Golden Chariot at Mantralaya,
Wonderful site to see when it rolls around the prahara. |

Handwriting of Guru Raghavendra (It says Sri Rama) |

Splendid site at Nava Brindavana,
Photo of Madwa, Bheema and Hanuman together |

Picture of Moola Rama, Jaya Rama, Dig
Vijaya Rama |

Sri Raghavendra Paduka (Holy Slippers that he wore),
that are with one of the Moola Archakas in Mantralayam |

Picture of Five headed Hanuman at
Panchamukhi(Near Mantralaya), Suwaymbu(made on its own) |

Humble Photo of Guru Raghavendra |

Photo of Raghavendra(Utsava Murthy
(prahalada, during the round of Prahara at Mantralaya) |

Photo of His Holiness Shri 1008
Sushmeenda Swamiji (Current Peetathipathi at Mantralaya) |

A Photo of Krishna Idol at Udipi
(Installed by Madhwacharya - Parama Guru of Guru Raghavendra) |

A Photo of
Golden Chariot,taken during Raghavendra swamy's birth celebrations this year |

A Photo of
Golden Chariot with Swamiji,taken during Raghavendra swamy's birth celebrations this year |

A Photo of
Raghavendra Swamy's Moola Paduka ,taken during Raghavendra swamy's birth celebrations this year |

A Photo of
Lord Venkateswara at Mantralayam. Guru Raghavendra Prayed to Lord
venkateswara when he was in Mantralayam, which was established by him |

Photo of Abhisheka of
Narashima Murthy who sits on Top of Moola Brindavana |

A Stone cut Statue of Hanuman which is Installed in Front of Moola
Brindavana. |

Picture of Moola Brindavana at Mantralayam
without any
decorations |

Picture of Moola Brindavana at Mantralayam decorated with Gold
Kavacha |

Picture of Moola Brindavana at Mantralayam taken during ekadasi |

Picture of Moola Brindavana at Mantralayam
with Sandalwood
Paste |

Very Rare Picture of the Moola Brindavana at Mantralayam taken during
the ardhana Celebrations, Head is kept on top of the brindavana
only during the Madhya Ardhana Day Celebrations |