Shunku Karna (A Devta)
was cursed to be born, into the world, as Prahladha, son of demon king
Hiranyakashyapu, who had extreme devotion to Sri Hari. Lord Hari took Narashima Avtara to Kill the demon King
(his father) .In his next birth, he was born ,
as Bahlika during the Period of Mahabharatha, he fought against the pandvas,
but he was a great Hari Bhaktha, he was willing to die at the hands of
Bheema (One of the Pandavas). In his Next birth, he was
destined to be one of the the great Madhwa saints, Vyasaraja . Displeased with the amount of seva he
performed for Hari, he was born again as Venkatanatha, who became Guru
Raghavendra, one of the greatest madhwa saints. Guru Raghavendra is not visible to us now but was visible to Sir
Munroe, the collector of India about 150 years ago when British Ruled India. He is very much present in the Brindavan alive (in athma form) at Mantralayam to this 332nd year of entry into his Brindavan as on
15.8.2003.He is still performing many miracles ,it is said Deserving Blind get their Sight,
Deserving Deaf and Dumb hear and
Speak, all evils vanish by saying "OM SHRI RAGHAVENDRA"
with devotion and by pleasing Guru Raghavendra . For more information
on the content in this page, please see the links or E-mail me, I would be glad
to be in the service of my Guru . Devotees pray to Sri Raghavendra by
chanting the famous shloka "...pUjyAya rAghavendrAya
satyadharmaratAya cha | bhajatAM kalpavR^ixAya namatAM kAmadhenave ||durvAdidhvAntaravaye
vaishhNavendIvarendave |shrIrAghavendragurave namo.atyantadayAlave ||".
Raghavendra is considered to be magnanimous and benevolent. Countless
devotees of his testify to the miracles he has performed (humble attempt has
been provided, to elaborate a few in the miracles page). In this site we
have also attempted to represent the sentiments of devotees, of Guru Raghavendra rather than
representing him as just another Madhwa scholar as portrayed in other
Web Sites. For a complete Life history of Guru Raghavendra, Please go
to download section and download the E-Book, "HISTORY OF GURU RAGHAVENDRA" ,
printed on Paperback by Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha, Mantrlaayam. |